The End (of the Semester) Is Near

It feels as if the semester has just begun, but here we are in our final full week of classes, which means my Writing 200 class is reaching the finish line. While I could be working on the final project, I thought I would take time to reflect (and procrastinate) on all that I’ve learned from this class, in both my internship and class discussions.

The class itself has been incredibly informative and beneficial to my future career plans. The classes I’ve enjoyed the most throughout my college career are those that are filled with students who are just as passionate and excited about the material, or really anything for that matter, as I am. Writing 200 has been just that, which has given me the opportunity to engage with classmates about what drives them, whether it be improving the education system, journalism, or working to improve their communities. Even though everyone has different interests and talents that they bring to the table, we are all equally excited about the future of non-profit organizations. I always leave class with something new to think about and find myself bringing up the points discussed in class in conversations outside of the discussion, such as with friends or even interviews with potential employers.

Aside from the thought-provoking dialogue that each class promises, the hands-on work that I’ve been doing for the Canterbury House has been equally rewarding. It’s one thing to learn about how to effectively use social media, but applying those skills to successfully reach a large audience is another. Having this opportunity has opened up my eyes to the impact social media has on an organization’s marketing plan.

After working with the Canterbury House and taking Writing 200, I’ve definitely reevaluated what I want to do in the future. I’m still very interested in working for a nonprofit in the communications department, but I’m not sure I want to focus on maintaining social media outlets. I want to work on finding my writing voice and maybe write for an organization’s website. In addition, I’d love to help with the event planning aspect and use the skills I’ve learned from this class to market for the event. None of my career aspirations are set in stone and I’m excited to see what my next step will be for my future. Who knows… maybe my classmates and I will start a nonprofit of our own someday!

One thought on “The End (of the Semester) Is Near

  1. I really appreciate your comment about the community of our classroom. I would be delighted to watch a group of you start up a nonprofit someday, and I’m glad that the course has enriched your life outside our classroom!

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